With the help of unknown typists, T. H. Howard-Hill produced a transcript of the Folio in the 1960s which is available at the Oxford Text Archive (OTA) (see T. H. Howard-Hill, 'The Oxford Old-Spelling Shakespeare Concordances', Studies in Bibliography, vol. 22 (1969), 143-64). The transcript is of high quality but it inevitably contains errors. This page gives a list of 379 such errors that I have noted. The list is unlikely to be exhaustive: it was computer-generated by comparing the Internet Shakespeare Editions (ISE) text against Howard-Hill's text and then manually checked against the Norton facsimile, so it will not show the errors they have in common. I have disregarded differences between the Howard-Hill and the ISE texts apparently due to differing editorial policies: the ISE aims to provide literal transcripts whereas Howard-Hill corrected 'obvious' errors and expanded abbreviations.

Howard-Hill's text was used to print the Oxford Old-Spelling Shakespeare Concordance books in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Some books were based on the Folio transcript and others on separate transcripts of the primary quartos which Howard-Hill also produced. The books based on the Folio transcript will be found to contain the errors below.

Two errors deserve special mention. One is the amusing Wherein our Sauiours Birch is celebrated at Hamlet, 158 (well, Jesus was a carpenter), proof that c/t errors still occur. The other is more serious. Several lines in the epilogue to 2H4 have been truncated; for example, the word Gentlewomen was lost from the end of the line a good Conscience, will make any possible satisfaction, and so will I. All the Gentlewomen. We can guess what went wrong. All the text of the Folio plays is printed in two columns, with just two exceptions: the prologue to Troilus and the epilogue to 2H4. The Troilus prologue is in verse so its line lengths were not affected by the decision to print it in one wide column. But the 2H4 epilogue is in prose. Because it is printed in a single column spanning the whole width of the Folio page, its line lengths are much longer than in any other play text in the book, even though it is printed in a larger font size. Its longest line is the one I just quoted, which is 90 characters long. At some point in the past Howard-Hill's text was probably output through a computer program with the incorrect assumption that each line would fit inside the standard width of an old-fashioned computer terminal, which is 80 characters. So all lines in Howard-Hill's text were truncated at 80 characters (including the extra tagging characters he had added). This made no difference to any line except a few in the 2H4 epilogue, which lost their last few characters.

Howard-Hill's text, obtained via the OTA, was also used as the basis of an excellent alternative online concordance to the Folio text, at the University of Chicago. That site incorrectly informs visitors that it is based on the Norton facsimile. It is demonstrably based on Howard-Hill's text because it reproduces his errors (at the time of writing in December 2014).

TEM1039Thunder heard.)thunderThunder
TEM1146Ste. If thou bee'st Trinculo: come foorth: I'le pullforthfoorth
TEM1766And honourd in their Issue. They Sing.singSing
TEM1911my Ierkin? now is the Ierkin vnder the line: now Ierkinhow isnow is
TEM2086Some subtleties o'th'Isle, that will not let younornot
WIV223what I doe is to pleasure you (Coz:) can you loue theWhatwhat
WIV438you goe and vetch me in my Closset, vnboyteene verd;vnboyteerevnboyteene
ERR812Comfort my sister, cheere her, call her wife;wisewife
ADO46much, but hee'l be meet with you, I doubt it not.meetemeet
ADO592Ben. Come, will you go with me?goego
ADO631Ben. Yet it had not beene amisse the rod had beenebeenbeene
ADO797appoint her to look out at her Ladies chamber window.lookelook
ADO1081no more paines for those thankes then you tooke painestooktooke
ADO1204If thou dost loue, my kindenesse shall incite theekindnessekindenesse
ADO1593Hero. Helpe to dresse mee good coze, good Meg,Helpe meHelpe
ADO1653heere's that shall driue some of them to a non-come, onlysomesome of them
ADO2132Prin. Nay, do not quarrell with vs, good old man.quarrelquarrell
ADO2251no body: nay said I, the gentleman is wise: certain saidcertainecertain
ADO2346Leon. Art thou thou the slaue that with thy breaththouthou thou
ADO2421Margaret, how her acquaintance grew with this lewdHowhow
LLL68Or studie where to meet some Mistresse fine,meetemeet
LLL261with, O with, but with this I passion to say wherewith:oO
LLL264or for thy more sweet vnderstanding a woman: him, I (as myunderstandingvnderstanding
LLL266the meed of punishment by thy sweet Graces Officer Anthonythethy
LLL528Who are the Votaries my louing Lords, that are vow-Louinglouing
LLL546Prin. Such short liu'd wits do wither as they grow.suchSuch
LLL747As Iewels in Christall for some Prince to buy.Buybuy
LLL802But haue you forgot your Loue?butBut
LLL984A Stand where you may make the fairest shoote.standStand
LLL1038Qu. We will reade it, I sweare.readreade
LLL1220then Sorell iumps from thicket:SorrellSorell
LLL1223If Sore be sore, then ell to Sore,thanthen
LLL1256from Don Armatho: I beseech you reade it.readreade
LLL1281Which not to anger bent, is musique, and sweet fire.sweetesweet
LLL1304of the stranger Queenes: which accidentally, orQueensQueenes
LLL1375Sweet leaues shade folly. Who is he comes heere?SweeteSweet
LLL1451Youth so apt to plucke a sweet.youthYouth
LLL1598A wife of such wood were felicitie.felicitefelicitie
LLL1689Then are the tender hornes of Cockled Snayles.CockleCockled
LLL2011Quee. But what, but what, come they to visit vs?Que.Quee.
LLL2016Vnto his seuerall Mistresse: which they'll knowmistresseMistresse
LLL2068You were best call it Daughter beamed eyes.youYou
LLL2378your oath once broke, you force not to forsweare.Youryour
LLL2392you gaue me this: But take it sir againe.Youyou
LLL2480the Pedant Iudas Machabeus: And if these foure WorthiesandAnd
LLL2518Ber. Your nose smels no, in this most tender smellingsmellssmels
LLL2620Sweet Royaltie bestow on me the sence of hearing.SweeteSweet
LLL2623Brag. I do adore thy sweet Graces slipper.iI
LLL2812Visite the speechlesse sicke, and still conuerseVisitVisite
MND174Steale forth thy fathers house to morrow night:Fathersfathers
MND195Your eyes are loadstarres, and your tongues sweet ayresweetesweet
MND201My tongue should catch your tongues sweet melodie,sweetesweet
MND279Quin. Marry our play is the most lamentable Comedy,comedyComedy
MND326Quin. You, Pyramus father; my self, Thisbies father;youYou
MND337Quin. If you should doe it too terribly, you woulddodoe
MND339shrike, and that were enough to hang vs all.usvs
MND373Enter a Fairie at one doore, and Robin goodfellowdoredoore
MND416When I a fat and beane-fed horse beguile,beanbeane
MND482The seasons alter; hoared headed frostsFrostsfrosts
MND679Doe it for thy true Loue take:DoDoe
MND689Wee'll rest vs Hermia, if you thinke it good,Ifif
MND723Night and silence: who is heere?NighNight
MND766Lys. Content with Hermia? No, I do repentnoNo
MND806Lysander, what remoou'd? Lysander, Lord,Whatwhat
MND1004Bot. I pray you commend mee to mistresse Squash,memee
MND1050Made senselesse things begin to do them wrong.senslessesenselesse
MND1083Yet you the murderer looks as bright as cleare,lookeslooks
MND1191And yours of Helena, to me bequeath,Toto
MND1314That I doe hate thee, and loue Helena.dodoe
MND1410And make his eie-bals role with wonted sight.andAnd
MND1412Shall seeme a dreame, and fruitlesse vision,fruitlessfruitlesse
MND1433Opening on Neptune, with faire blessed beames,Withwith
MND1459The villaine is much lighter heel'd then I:Villainevillaine
MND1524action, Mounsieur; and good Mounsieur haue a care themounsieurMounsieur
MND1575Which straight she gaue me, and her Fairy sentfairyFairy
MND1584But as the fierce vexation of a dreame.dreamea dreame
MND1592Me-thought I was enamoured of an Asse.asseAsse
MND1630We will faire Queene, vp to the Mountaines top,MountainsMountaines
MND1672Halfe sleepe, halfe waking. But as yet, I sweare,butBut
MND1689But my good Lord, I wot not by what power,what not by whatwhat
MND1773Quin. Bottome, O most couragious day! O most happieoO
MND1874Phi. No my noble Lord, it is not for you. I haue heardHip.Phi.
MND1876Vnlesse you can finde sport in their intents,VnlessVnlesse
MND1877Extreamely stretcht, and cond with cruell paine,stretchedstretcht
MND1918knowes not the stop. A good morall my Lord. It is notlordLord
MND1965Through which the fearefull Louers are to whisper.fearfullfearefull
MND2035his discretion, and the Fox carries the Goose.foxFox
MND2083Approch you Furies fell:furiesFuries
MND2090Since Lion vilde hath heere deflour'd my deere:lionLion
MND2092That liu'd, that lou'd, that lik'd, that look'd with cheere.like'dlik'd
MND2118Speake, Speake. Quite dumbe? Dead, dead? A tombespeakeSpeake
MND2124O sisters three, come, come to mee,Sisterssisters
MND2127With sheeres, his thred of silke.withWith
MND2143truely, and very notably discharg'd. But come, yourbutBut
MND2196Nor marke prodigious, such as arenor markNor marke
MND2210While these visions did appeare.Visionsvisions
MV43But tell not me, I know Anthoniotelltell not
MV177For the foure windes blow in from euery coastfourfoure
MV253a capring, he will fence with his own shadow. If I shouldowneown
MV280fall that euer fell, I hope I shall make shift to goe withoutgogoe
MV314Ser. The foure Strangers seeke you Madam to takefourfoure
MV375Which he cals interrest: Cursed be my Trybebybe
MV398Shy. When Iacob graz'd his Vncle Labans sheepe,vncleVncle
MV596Enter old Gobbo with a Basket.GobbeGobbo
MV712Bass. Thou speak'st it well; go Father with thy Son,wellit well
MV732Leon. My best endeuors shall be done herein. Exit Le.myMy
MV779And so farwell: I would not haue my Fatherfarewellfarwell
MV780See me talke with thee.seeSee
MV1230talke, that the good Anthonio, the honest Anthonio; O thatoO
MV1244Sol. And Shylocke for his own part knew the bird wasowneown
MV1593I know he wil be glad of our successe,willwil
MV1676debts are cleerd betweene you and I, if I might see you at mybetweenbetweene
MV2060YOur Grace shall vnderstand, that at the receite of yourYourYOur
MV2062came, in louing visitation, was with me a young Doctoryongyoung
MV2158you must prepare your bosome for his knife.Youyou
MV2229Marke Iew, O learned Iudge.oO
MV2454Clo. Sola, did you see M. Lorenzo, & M. Lorenzo, sola, sola.solasola, sola
MV2460morning sweet soule.sweetesweet
AYL516Let it suffice thee that I trust thee not.isit
AYL2081her without her tongue: O that woman that cannotoO
SHR521Although I thinke 'twas in another sence,sensesence
SHR1614Nay, looke not big, nor stampe, nor stare, nor fret,not starenor stare
TN951A thousand thousand sighes to saue, lay me O whereoO
TN1313your seruants seruant, is your seruant Madam.Youryour
TN1674Fa. A good note, that keepes you from the blow of ye Law(LawLaw
TN1881Releeu'd him with such sanctitie of Ioue;loueIoue
TN2444A Gentleman, and follower of my Ladies.aA
KJ310Welcome before the gates of Angiers Duke.gatesgates of
KJ993Let kings assemble: for my greefe's so great,LetsLet
KJ2078Hu. I am no villaine. Sal. Must I rob the law?(thethe
R2275Dut. Yet one wotd more: Greefe boundeth where it falls,(fallsfalls
R21542Feare, and be slaine, no worse can come to fight,sightfight
1H4109For more is to be said, and to be done,saidesaid
1H4142gouerned as the Sea is, by our noble and chast mistris theSeaSea is
1H4220Remorse? What sayes Sir Iohn Sacke and Sugar:remorseRemorse
1H4229Prin. Else he had damn'd for cozening the diuell.cozeningfor cozening
1H4709I am ioyned with no Foot-land-Rakers, no Long-staffeNono
1H4922La. But heare you, my Lord.lordLord
1H41010to play the coward with thy Indenture, & shew it a faireshowshew
1H41163Falst. In Buckrom.buckromBuckrom
1H41411Pudding in his Belly, that reuerend Vice, that grey Iniquitie,iniquitieIniquitie
1H41546Glend. The Heauens were all on fire, the Earth didheauensHeauens
1H41648Hotsp. Let me not vnderstand you then, speake it inletLet
1H41700And as bountifull, as Mynes of India.Bountifullbountifull
1H41742The Lady againe in Welsh.welshWelsh
1H41881Soone kindled, and soone burnt, carded his State,stateState
1H41991King. The Earle of Westmerland set forth to day:earleEarle
1H41995On Thursday, wee our selues will march.thursdayThursday
1H42010strength to repent. And I haue not forgotten what theiI
1H42086Ring of my Grand-fathers, worth fortie Marke.markeMarke
1H42196Prin. I haue procured thee Iacke, a Charge of Foot.Aa
1H42234Hot. Do so, and 'tis well. What Letters hast there?lettersLetters
1H42286The Qualitie and Heire of our AttemptqualitieQualitie
1H42400ragged as Lazarus in the painted Cloth, where the Gluttonsaas
1H42558Blunt. Tut, I came not to heare this.hearheare
1H42616Arch. And so there is, but yet the King hath drawneDrawnedrawne
1H42654And moue in that obedient Orbe againe,thethat
1H42699Grew by our Feeding, to so great a bulke,builkebulke
1H42702We were inforc'd for safety sake, to flyeinfor'dinforc'd
1H42709Kin. These things indeede you haue articulated,indeedindeede
1H42798My Nephewes trespasse may be well forgot,Trespassetrespasse
1H42895And I do haunt thee in the battell thus,Battellbattell
1H42945Prin. Giue it me: What, is it in the Case?caseCase
1H42962P.Ioh. Not I, my Lord, vnlesse I did bleed too.Mymy
1H43002It is the Prince of Wales that threatens thee,itIt
1H43111to Lying? I graunt you I was downe, and out of Breath,breathBreath
2H4571For his diuisions (as the Times do braul)For0hisFor his
2H41312a Life do'st thou lead?lifeLife
2H42754That strength of Speech is vtterly deni'de mee.itis
2H43308Exit. Manet Lancaster and Chiefe Iustice.ManentManet
2H43332well) I was lately heere in the end of a displeasing Play, to pray your PatienceLine truncated
2H43333for it, and to promise you a Better: I did meane (indeede) to pay you with this,Line truncated
2H43334which if (like an ill Venture) it come vnluckily home, I breake; and you, my gentleLine truncated
2H43336to your Mercies: Bate me some, and I will pay you some, and (as most Debtors do)Line truncated
2H43340a good Conscience, will make any possible satisfaction, and so will I. All the GentlewomenLine truncated
2H43342do not agree with the Gentlewomen, which was neuer seene before, in such an Assembly.Line truncated
2H43345our humble Author will continue the Story (with Sir Iohn in it) and make youLine truncated
2H43346merry, with faire Katherine of France: where (for any thing I know) FalstaffeLine truncated
2H43349when my Legs are too, I will bid you good night; and so kneele downe before you:Line truncated
H5835Child: a parted eu'n iust betweene Twelue and One, eu'nChildeChild
H52437Ie peuse le plus braue valiant et tres distinie signieurdistimedistinie
H52458and Ramburs.RamburesRamburs
1H62357Than wanton dalliance with a Paramour.ThenThan
1H62648I am descended of a gentler blood.am amam
2H61209To see my teares, and heare my deepe-set groanes.fetset
2H61665Vnder the Title of Iohn Mortimer.titleTitle
2H62086That Cardinall Beauford is at point of death:CardinalCardinall
2H62916a Sallet, my braine-pan had bene cleft with a brown Bill;brainbraine
2H63097Heere is a hand to hold a Scepter vp,isis a
3H61304No way to flye, nor strength to hold out flight:no strengthnor strength
3H61870Yet I confesse, that often ere this day, Speaks to War.Warwicke.War.
3H61885But if your Title to the Crowne be weake,bybe
3H61949War. So much his Friend, I, his vnfained Friend,Vnfainedvnfained
3H61999He giues his hand to Warw.Warwicke.Warw.
3H62241'Tis to be doubted he would waken him.if hehe
3H62764Clar. Father of Warwick, know you what this meanes?WarwickeWarwick
3H63016Rich. stabs him.RichardRich.
3H63018Clar. stabs him.ClarenceClar.
R3123Cla. I must perforce: Farewell. Exit Clar.ClarenceClar.
R31724Yorke. What, will you goe vnto the Tower, my Lord?whatWhat
R32617I will resolue you herein presently. Exit Buck.BuckinghamBuck
R33220And you shal vnderstand from me her mind. Exit Q.QueeneQ
R33563Gh. to Ri. Let me sit heauy on thy soule to morrow:Richard.Ri.
R33566Ghost to Richm. Be chearefull Richmond,Richmond.Richm.
R33575To Richm. Vertuous and holy be thou Conqueror:Richmond.Richm.
R33584To Richm. Thou off-spring of the house of LancasterRichmond.Richm.
R33593All to Richm. Awake,Richmond.Richm.
R33600Hast. to Rich. Quiet vntroubled soule,Richard.Rich.
R33609Ghosts to Richm. Sleepe Richmond,Richmond.Richm.
R33615Ghost to Rich. Richard, thy Wife,Richard.Rich.
R33621Ghost to Richm. Thou quiet soule,Richmond.Richm.
R33626Ghost to Rich. The first was IRichard.Rich.
R33633Ghost to Richm. I dyed for hopeRichmond.Richm.
R33695Me thought their Soules, whose bodies Rich. murther'd,Richard.Rich.
H8445Further in the proceeding. Exit Secret.SecretarySecret
H8531It can doe me no damage; adding further,dodoe
H81389Vpward of twenty yeares, and haue bene blestyearsyeares
H81487Crier. Katherine. Q of England, come into the Court.Queene.Q
H81920Suf. He ha's, and we shall see himSuff.Suf.
H82238By your power Legatiue within this Kingdome,LegatineLegatiue
H82559Grif. Yes Madam: but I thanke your Gracethinkethanke
H83294Blesse me, what a fry of Fornication is at dore? On myBlessBlesse
TRO269bring his particulars therein, to a totall.as thereintherein
TRO341of the flowers of Troy I can you, but marke Troylus, youmarkebut marke
TRO481But in the Winde and Tempest of her frowne,onin
TRO1289He is not sicke.heHe
TRO1295Vlis. Achillis hath inueigled his Foole from him.AchillesAchillis
TRO1302Nes. All the better, their fraction is more our wishNest.Nes.
TRO1320Cannot outflye our apprehensions.but flyeoutflye
TRO1344Pat. I shall, and bring his answere presently.answeranswere
TRO1372Without obseruance or respect of any,oberuanceobseruance
TRO1418Vlis. The Rauen chides blacknesse.blacknessseblacknesse
TRO1419Aia. Ile let his humours bloud.HeIle
TRO1597O ho a while, but ha ha ha,OhO
TRO1733Cres. Well Vnckle, what folly I commit, I dedicateWel!Well
TRO2008Where one but goes a breast, keepe then the path:pathspath:
TRO2014Or like a gallant Horse falne in first ranke,likelike a
TRO2057Durst neuer meddle) in the soule of State;durstDurst
TRO2405friendship, nor by speaking: there was neuer a truer rime;notnor
TRO2440or my heart will be blowne vp by the root.Oror
TRO2550Anticipating time. With starting courage,starringstarting
TRO2645In loue whereof, halfe Hector staies at home:wherofwhereof
TRO2814Shall I destroy him? Whether there, or there, or there,threethere
TRO3134Troy. This she? no, this is Diomids Cressida:DiomedsDiomids
TRO3144Within my soule, there doth conduce a fightsightfight
TRO3193this whore: the Parrot will not doe more for an Almond,histhis
TRO3412Mad and fantasticke execution;fanastickefantasticke
COR388Gent. Madam, the Lady Valeria is come to visit you.ladyLady
COR970pinch'd with the Collicke, you make faces like Mummers,CollikeCollicke
COR1469voice Sir, what say you?sirSir
COR1518Your Voyces? for your Voyces I haue fought,soughtfought
COR1708Mene. The matter?Menen.Mene.
COR2536Virg. What then? Hee'ld make an end of thy posterityWhenWhat
COR2544Volum. I would he had? Twas you incenst the rable.thouyou
COR2566And so shall sterue with Feeding: Come, let's go,comeCome
COR2621Enter Coriolanus in meane Apparrell, Disguisd,disguisdDisguisd
COR2663Here's no place for you: Pray go to the doore? ExitprayPray
COR2696Corio. I'th City of Kites and Crowes.crowesCrowes
COR2790And take our Friendly Senators by'th' handsfriendlyFriendly
COR3048They'l roare him in againe. Tullus Auffidius,AffidiusAuffidius
COR3152Menen. No, Ile not go: you heare what he hath saidileIle
COR32411 You may not passe, you must returne: our Generalll1
COR3519When she (poore Hen) fond of no second brood,poorpoore
TIT169Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the skie.WholeWhose
TIT173Make this his latest farewell to their soules.Soulessoules
TIT576This Goddesse, this Semerimis, this Queene,SemirimisSemerimis
TIT738Know that this Gold must coine a stratageme,Stratagemestratageme
TIT1544Boy. Helpe Grandsier helpe, my Aunt Lauinia,GransierGrandsier
TIT1561For I haue heard my Grandsier say full oft,GransierGrandsier
TIT1830Deme. What mean'st thou Aaron?AronAaron
TIT1839Goe packe with him, and giue the mother gold,themhim
TIT2695Lucius. Some louing Friends conuey the Emp. hence,Emperour.Emp.
ROM221Nor bid th'incounter of assailing eyes.encounterincounter
ROM360Wife. This is the matter: Nurse giue leaue awhile, wegiue megiue
ROM395forget it: wilt thou not Iulet quoth he? and pretty foole itIuleIulet
ROM413Nur. An houre, were not I thine onely Nurse, I wouldI notnot I
ROM456Rom. What shall this speeh be spoke for our excuse?spechspeeh
ROM463Weele measure them a Measure, and be gone.with aa
ROM525Cursies strait: ore Lawyers fingers, who strait dreamt ondreamptdreamt
ROM786As Maides call Medlers when they laugh alone,calcall
ROM829Or if thou wilt not, be but sworne my Loue,to mymy
ROM1001And darknesse fleckel'd like a drunkard reeles,darkenessedarknesse
ROM1022For nought so vile, that on the earth doth liue,onon the
ROM1032Being tasted slayes all sences with the heart.stayesslayes
ROM1201Rom. Here's goodly geare.a goodlygoodly
ROM1379Nur. Haue you got leaue to go to shrift to day?shiftshrift
ROM1400It is inough. I may but call her mine.callbut call
ROM1452would spie out such a quarrell? thy head is as full of quarrels,fullas full
ROM1554Rom. This daies blacke Fate, on mo daies doth depend,daiesdaies doth
ROM1641Beare hence this body, and attend our will:histhis
ROM1850Howlings attends it, how hast thou the hartthenthou
ROM2048Therefore stay yet, thou need'st not to be gone,beto be
ROM2119Iul. Villaine and he, be many Miles assunder:milesMiles
ROM2165Cap. When the Sun sets, the earth doth drizzle daewdeawdaew
ROM2215Nur. I speake no treason,speakspeake
ROM2290Thou and my bosome henchforth shall be twaine:bosombosome
ROM2416Iul. Giue me, giue me, O tell not me ofcare.me notnot me
ROM2421And strength shall helpe afford:And theAnd
ROM2739For nothing can be ill, if she be well.isif
ROM2768Sharpe miserie had worne him to the bones:SharpSharpe
ROM2892Then emptie Tygers, or the roaring Sea.ThemThen
ROM2973Come bitter conduct, come vnsauoury guide,vnsauoryvnsauoury
ROM2978Enter Frier with Lanthorne, Crow, and Spade.with awith
ROM3024What's here? A cup clos'd in my true lo:es hand?here,here?
ROM3042And Iuliett bleeding, warme and newly deadIulietIuliett
ROM3094And then will I be generall of your woes,I willwill I
TIM95Bowing his head against the steepy Mountsleepysteepy
TIM966Master. Exit L.Lucullus.L.
TIM1040Ser. Yes sir, I shall. Exit Seruil.Seruilius.Seruil.
TIM2043Eate Timon, and abhorre then. Exit Apeman.Apemantus.Apeman.
TIM2273To their whole being? I am rapt, and cannot couercouetcouer
JC2676Bru. Farewell to you, and you, and you Volumnius.Volumniusyou Volumnius
MAC3When shall we three meet againe?1. WhenWhen
MAC1651. Lesser then Macbeth, and greater.thanthen
MAC484To plague th' Inuenter, This euen-handed IusticethisThis
MAC525Who dares no more, is none.dono
MAC810Some say, the Earth was feuorous,Feuorousfeuorous
MAC877His Siluer skinne, lac'd with his Golden Blood,with Hiswith his
MAC914Where we are, there's Daggers in mens Smiles;smilesSmiles
MAC1666And yet the eight appeares, who beares a glasse,eightheight
MAC2048That euer yet they heard.thatThat
MAC2500And that Ile spend for him.andAnd
HAM158Wherein our Sauiours Birth is celebrated,BirchBirth
HAM186Therefore our sometimes Sister, now our Queen,QueeneQueen
HAM187Th'Imperiall Ioyntresse of this warlike State,Th'imperiallTh'Imperiall
HAM228The Hand more Instrumentall to the Mouth,instrumentallInstrumentall
HAM329By what it fed on; and yet within a month?isit
HAM468Hold it a fashion and a toy in Bloud;BloudeBloud
HAM492Then weigh what losse your Honour may sustaine,weightweigh
HAM525Nor any vnproportion'd thought his Act:thoughtsthought
HAM703Thy knotty and combined locks to part,lockeslocks
HAM752The naturall Gates and Allies of the Body;bodyBody
HAM804Mar. How ist't my Noble Lord?istist't
HAM944I was about to say somthing: where did I leaue?aboutabout to
HAM1016This must be knowne, w being kept close might mouebeingw being
HAM1066King. Thou still hast bin the Father of good Newes.fatherFather
HAM1468thee well: Welcome good Friends. O my olde Friend?OhO
HAM1637Ile tent him to the quicke: If he but blenchrenttent
HAM1767transforme Honestie from what it is, to a Bawd, then theisit is
HAM1854Tempest, and (as I may say) the Whirle-winde ofsaymay say
HAM1926There is a Play to night before the King,to beforebefore
HAM1972Ham. That's a faire thought to ly between Maids legsbetweenebetween
HAM2089If once a Widdow, euer I be Wife.WiseWife
HAM2383Withdraw, I heare him comming.comingcomming
HAM2485You heauenly Guards. What would you gracious figure?youryou
HAM2780Ophe. Larded with sweet flowers:Flowersflowers
HAM3097And for your Rapier most especially,especiallespecially
HAM3224Clo. What, ar't a Heathen? how dost thou vnderstanddothdost
HAM3485When that her golden Cuplet are disclos'd;Goldengolden
HAM3525My head shoud be struck off.shouldshoud
HAM3537It did me Yeomans seruice: wilt thou knowseriuceseruice
HAM3616Osr. The sir King ha's wag'd with him six Barbary Horses,horsesHorses
HAM3652suck't it: thus had he and mine more of the same BeauyBeautyBeauy
HAM3880Falne on the Inuentors heads. All this can Iheadheads
KL723Might in their working do you that offence,MightyMight
KL1167I haue seene better faces in my time,Timetime
KL1261Blanket my loines, elfe all my haires in knots,elseelfe
KL1822Kent. Giue me thy hand, who's there?myme
OTH749I haue't: it is engendred: Hell, and Night,hau'thaue't
OTH2090Iago. If it be that, or any, it was hers.herehers
OTH2291Iago. Can he be angry? I haue seene the Cannonseenseene
ANT983Soot. Caesars. Therefore (oh Anthony) stay not by his sideSooth.Soot.
ANT1943And we are Womens men.mensmen
ANT2086And thou should'st stowe me after. O're my spirittowestowe
ANT2854With thine intirely.withWith
ANT3094Patience is sottish, and impatience doessortishsottish
ANT3316But if there be, nor euer were one suchnotnor
CYM155I am gone. Exit.gone.gone. {Exit.}
CYM1489Art thou a Feodarie for this Act; and look'stFoedarieFeodarie
CYM1509IVstice and your Fathers wrath (should he take me in hisIusticeIVstice
CYM1681Why tender'st thou that Paper to me, withrender'sttender'st
CYM1758Be Stomachers to my heart: thus may poore Foolespoorupoore
CYM1837That though his Actions were not visible, yetyutyet
CYM1999Pis. Alas, my Lord,naymy
CYM2622'Twas but a bolt of nothing, shot at nothing,shot ofshot at
CYM2804Of Clotens death (we being not knowne, not muster'dnornot
CYM3527Pisae. Lady, the Gods throw stones of sulpher on me, ifPisa.Pisae.
CYM3742That euer swore her Faith.theher